Filament issues won't stick

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Filament issues won't stick

Post by Amorese128 » Fri Nov 06, 2015 1:19 am

Ok forum print after print after print the filament will not stick to the plate. Tried multiple brands, I have not been able to put out a good print in months. The plate is very hot, and balanced. I am so frustrated hours of print destroyed because it brakes loose. Any suggestions please. I am about ready to go to the new technology like Peagusus if I cant get this resolved. The M2 works flawless and does what it's suppose to do. WHY WHY won't it stick. PLA, ABS nothing sticks , bought the special tape, tried glue sticks, hairspray anything else work maybe gorilla glue geeeez

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Re: Filament issues won't stick

Post by jimc » Fri Nov 06, 2015 1:45 am

a little bit of the right hairspray and the bed gap set correctly you parts will stick no problem. if you are using some type of adhesive like hairspray then your printing your first layer too far from the bed.

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Re: Filament issues won't stick

Post by Jules » Fri Nov 06, 2015 1:46 am

It takes a lot of hairspray sometimes. (As in....spray it on the cool glass until it puddles, then spread with your finger until it is even everywhere and let it dry.)
All it takes is missing one spot, or getting it too thin there, and your print is coming off somewhere during the print. Particularly on long ones. :cry:
Always have to apply the hairspray and gluestick on a cold plate, and let it dry completely.

Since that is a major hassle, you might want to spring for a sheet of PEI. Stuff is fantastic for holding on to your prints until it cools, when you can pop them off.

Best part adhesive. ;)


Another alternative is a Zebra plate, but it is not recommended for larger ABS prints, so since you're printing that, you might want to stick with the PEI.

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Re: Filament issues won't stick

Post by insta » Fri Nov 06, 2015 6:19 pm

Amorese128 wrote:Ok forum print after print after print the filament will not stick to the plate. Tried multiple brands, I have not been able to put out a good print in months. The plate is very hot, and balanced. I am so frustrated hours of print destroyed because it brakes loose. Any suggestions please. I am about ready to go to the new technology like Peagusus if I cant get this resolved. The M2 works flawless and does what it's suppose to do. WHY WHY won't it stick. PLA, ABS nothing sticks , bought the special tape, tried glue sticks, hairspray anything else work maybe gorilla glue geeeez
Can you attach a picture of what your first layer looks like? Plop a calibration cube onto the bed, scale it to 180x230x1mm, slice, and cancel the print after layer 1 finishes.
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