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Don't try this with your dual extruder!

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 3:22 am
by Dale Reed

I'm still waiting for Rick to e-mail me and let me know to come pick up my dual extruder kit. In the meantime, I've had some away-time to get the creative side recharged.

So someone at work told me today that he read somewhere that someone is using 3D printing to to "print" foods that are difficult for some people to eat (say, fresh carrots for people with dentures or other tooth issues). The grind up the food, then 3D print it into the shape of the food. So you have what is shaped like a "fresh" carrot that's easier to chew for seniors. Neat idea. But not nearly "bizarrely-creative" enough for me. I think you should print foods into the shape of OTHER foods. So print chocolate in the form of broccoli, for example. Yummy!

The dual extruder case would be awesome! Have one extruder print the meaty-part of bacon, and have the other extruder print the fatty-part of bacon. Since the one is deep red, and the other more tan-ish, the ideal food to print would be an apple, with the crispy (meaty) outer shell and the tender (fatty) inside.

Plus I could tell my wife and my health insurer that I'm now getting my required daily servings of fruits and vegetables! ("So, Dale, why have you gained 30 lbs. since we saw you last month?")
