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Printing Speed - (no rush set up)

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:05 am
by Pekish79
I know some print can be long but after printing for a while i noticed that no matter what they are long anyway so I find it more relaxing (and usually better result) in slow printing for large project

if a print last 5 hours i don't see the big deal it will takes 8/9 hours as most of the long print i run them at night before i leave the office
while i run the small print during the day 1-2 hours pieces

I am writing this mostly for myself to see if people has any comment maybe i print too slow (is even possible?)

FIRST- main speed

i lowered the speed at - 40 mm/s (from 80)
outline even slower - 24mm/s (60%)
solid infill - 40 mm/s (100%) (didn't feel the need to lower it as usually is 60% of 80)
support - 40 mm/s (100%) (don't use them but anyway i don't feel the need to lower this either)

SECOND - first layer speed

This is seriously slow i usually bump it up to 40%-50% if the surface is LARGE as it takes FOREVER!!!!
but on small object it doesnt bother me i like to look at the first layer while it's being done to see where the surface is not flat etcetc

-Tiny base object - 8mm/s (20%)
-medium base object - 16mm/s (40%)
-large base object - 20mm/s (50%)

THIRD - very tiny layers speed

layer so small that take less then 15 second to finish very tiny object/details
speed reduction - 4 mm/s (10%) i though to go 5%
but i worry that so slow when i do the branch of the tree the heat of the nozzle stay too long too close this is why i didn't want to go any lower


the one in RED
M201 - Set max printing acceleration
Xnnn Acceleration for X axis
Ynnn Acceleration for Y axis
Znnn Acceleration for Z axis
Ennn Acceleration for extruder drives
Example - M201 X1000 Y1000 Z100 E2000

M204: Set default acceleration
After Mar11-2015, the M204 options have changed in Marlin:<<< if you have an old firmware DON'T USE THIS INFO
P = Printing moves
R = Retract only (no X, Y, Z) moves
T = Travel (non printing) moves
Example - "M204 P800 T3000 R9000"

I feel the command M204-P and M201 kind of overlap so i set them all to 800
the movement M204-T I lowered so it doesn't shake too much when it moves without printing
and the M204-R is the only one that i increased to help Ooze to suck back the filament (supposedly is 3000 i doubled 6000)

Re: Printing Speed - (no rush set up)

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 5:45 pm
by devo
Thanks, Pekish. I am trying out cura right now and I took a guess at the print speeds for everything and now the printer sounds like it's going to jump off the table, I think it's a little too high. I am going to try things your way for a while! The only downside I can see to slower printing ( besides time) is it might make bridging harder.

Re: Printing Speed - (no rush set up)

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:18 pm
by Pekish79
bridging is very strange and very material dependent

sometimes u want to go faster sometimes u want to go slower but u can easily set it up in the bridge panel on S3D just put 200% if u want to go very fast or 50% if u want to go very slow

i used to do 50% speed (going slower) to bridge better with PLA but now that i lowered the overall speed i use 100% as it's actually as it was 50% before

keep in mind this is a very slow setup u can safely bump it up a notch and go faster. I just don't usually have rush and find this speed the most suited for the small detail i usually need in architecture models

Re: Printing Speed - (no rush set up)

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:44 pm
by Jules
That is slow.......(probably why you're getting such good results.) :D

Re: Printing Speed - (no rush set up)

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:50 pm
by Jules
and now the printer sounds like it's going to jump off the table, I think it's a little too high.
@devo....that's probably your acceleration - the default is pretty high. Try dropping the code below into your starting script to slow it down some. (Cuts down on the tendency for the printer to vibrate itself off of the desk.) :D

M201 X1000 Y1000 ; lower default accelerations

Re: Printing Speed - (no rush set up)

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 5:20 am
by devo
Yeah thanks, that did the trick! It's still printing a lot faster than the default settings from slic3r but much quieter.