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Suggestions wanted for effective Rambo cooling

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 2:23 am
by Farr0wn3d
the filtration and heat regulation setup that I'm working on will be taking case air and cooling it back down to ambient (outside the enclosure) temperature and then routing it directly into the electronics enclosure where it will cool the board and then exit into the case.

My question is, where should I direct the cool air to? I'm told that the top of the board is a lousy place to direct cooling air to and that I should be blowing it across the underside of the board. Is this accurate?


Re: Suggestions wanted for effective Rambo cooling

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 5:03 am
by ksevcik
Surface mount drivers like the FETs and steppers on the RAMBO are designed to dump heat to a big pad on the underside of the chip. The RAMBO has a ton of vias under these chips to spread that heat out as much as possible. Since the hottest part will logically be directly under the chip, that's where cooling would help the most. Though cooling the top of the PCB around the chip would help some as well.

Re: Suggestions wanted for effective Rambo cooling

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 2:11 pm
by Farr0wn3d
so raising the rambo up a bit and sending air under the board first is best then?