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Re: Zero: Manual vs Printing mode on a Rev.E

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 12:10 am
by Jules
If the total Z-travel length is 250, then that might work. (Didn't know what the total travel length was for that axis, with the switch taking up space at the bottom.)

(Whoever tests it let me know if it works.) ;)

Re: Zero: Manual vs Printing mode on a Rev.E

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 2:40 am
by sthone
I think the firmware moves it the 250 and the offset (set by the app) moves it the rest of the way to the starting height. I'd have to dig through the thread where we where testing the new level system to double check that number to be sure though. Either that or just manually jog it 250 then my offset to know for sure. All my printers are running right now though.