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Simplify3D Outline/Perimeter Shells

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 3:11 am
by jdacal
Is there any setting that would let me specify the number of shells for the extreme outer walls but specify a different number of shells for interior items?

For example a rectangle with circles inside. I would want 2 shells for the rentangle walls but only 1 shell on the circle walls. The only setting I see in S3D is the outline/perimeter shells in the Layer tab. Is that a one size fits all setting or is there another setting I'm missing? With that setting I get 2 shells on the rectangle and two shells on the circles inside the rectangle.


Re: Simplify3D Outline/Perimeter Shells

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 2:05 pm
by ednisley
jdacal wrote:a different number of shells for interior items
That's probably a geometric limitation for all slicers: perimeter threads lie on the boundary where the "inside" of the solid object (which gets filled with plastic) meets the "outside" (which is everything else). As far as the slicers are concerned, those holes are "outside": there's plastic on one side and air on the other.

If S3D has a feature similar to Slic3r's modifier meshes, you could set the perimeter thread count for the interior cylinders by delicately positioning slightly larger cylinders around them:

That's so much hassle you'd need a powerful motivation, but ...

Re: Simplify3D Outline/Perimeter Shells

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 2:11 pm
by jdacal
Thanks Ed, I had a feeling that was the answer, thanks for confirming it.