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Klipper on MakerGear M3

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 2:10 pm
by polygonprint
Hi All,

I have installed Klipper firmware on my M3SE as I have wanted to take advantage of Klippers input shapeing and pressure advance. I am using Fluidd for my web interface. I have all axis working, endstops correct, temp and thermistors on both bed and hotend, fans, etc. But for some reason I can not calibrate my z. When I try to adjust via Klippers z calibrate adjust command, and then move the bed closer to the nozzle, the nozzle moves closer but then reverses back not allowing me to use a feeler guage to test the height. Hope that makes sense.

Would really asppreciate any feedback / help on what i might be doing wrong to anyone who may have Klipper running on the m3.


Re: Klipper on MakerGear M3

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2021 7:28 pm
by Bioluminous
Are you using the "Z_ENDSTOP_CALIBRATE" tool? And then you adjusted the z height by using the "TESTZ Z=-.1" command (just an example - you can use any value for the command.)

I have a macro on my Octoprint that does this so I don't have to keep typing the command. I don't know, but I think if it is reversing directions after it moves closer there may be something wrong with how you're typing the command.