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Correct firmware installation

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:15 pm
by Toby
I just re-installed the marlin24r2 firmware on my M2. M2 was recently purchased (February), is a 24 v system with v3b.

Problem is there is very slightly different behavior in the M2 now and i'm worried i installed the wrong firmware. I don't want to print until I know what's going on.

what I did was go to the Makergear wikidot page for the firmware. there are two possibilities for 24 v systems: marlin24r1 and marlin24r2. according the wikidot the r2 version has had the pid settings changed to P25.89 I1.94 D86.53. so what i did was verify these were the pid settings I had on my machine before doing the re-install.

the re-install went fine but there is this odd change in behavior: previously when I disconnected in S3D v2.1, the m2 was reset. now when i disconnect in s3d it isn't resetting. very minor but strange- i don't know what could cause a change like that.

real question is am I in danger of having a problem if i try to print with this firmware and it's not the right one? i notice in the wikidot that the cartridge heaters run at different ohms between r1 and r2. actually the wikidot is a little confusing. it might be interpreted to mean that r1 is for v3b hot ends and r2 is for something else. or it might mean they both have v3b hot ends, but there's just a different heater for them.

any help sorting this out would be much appreciated

Re: Correct firmware installation

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:29 pm
by jimc
toby it says the only difference is the pid settings so i dont think you are going to hurt anything. as long as the hot end heats up ok like it used to without a bunch of overshoot OR it cant maintain temp then you should be fine. worse case run a pid autotune sequence. as for the odd behavior i cant say.

Re: Correct firmware installation

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:38 pm
by Toby
thanks jim. i did a test print and everything is normal. so i don't know what the thing with s3d is, probably something different i'm doing that i'm not noticing. but still when i disconnected in s3d after the print, it does not reset the M2 anymore. a real poser.